West Kiskatinaw River Wildfire - Updates | News Alerts | Media Releases
BC Wildfire Service | EmergencyInfoBC | Business Resources | Area Restriction
West Kiskatinaw Wildfire – Evacuation Alert Cancelled. Open Burning Ban Still in Effect.
Tuesday 4 July 2023 - 2:30 PM
Following the recommendation from our partners at the BC Wildfire Service, the Evacuation Alert for the West Kiskatinaw Wildfire is cancelled effective July 4th, 2023, at 2:30pm.
Please note that an Evacuation Alert or Order may need to be reissued if the wildfire situation changes or worsens; however, if that is deemed necessary, a new Evacuation Alert or Order process will be started.
More information on emergency planning and how to get prepared for an emergency can be found at www.preparedbc.ca.
Residents are reminded that there is still an open burning ban in effect for the District of Tumbler Ridge and surrounding area. This prohibition will remain in effect until 12:00 (noon) on Sunday, October 15, 2023 or until it is rescinded. Prohibitions apply to all public and private lands, and include Category 1 (campfires), Category 2 and Category 3 fires as defined in the Wildfire Regulations. More information on current bans and restrictions can be found here.
The District of Tumbler Ridge extends its gratitude to the community for their understanding and cooperation throughout this unparalleled event.
Tuesday 27 June 2023 - Fire & Resource Status Update
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 at 8:36:35 AM
Size: 25,095 Hectares (Estimated)
Evacuation Orders and Alerts:
Kiskatinaw River Wildfire (District of Tumbler Ridge) - Alert
West Kiskatinaw River Wildfire (Peace River Regional District) – Alert
Current Resources:
Wildfire Crews: There are 107 wildland fire fighters assigned to this incident.
Wildfire Aviation: There are currently 5 helicopters assigned to the South Peace Complex.
Incident Management Team: An Incident Management Team has been assigned to this wildfire.
Heavy Equipment: There are currently 3 pieces of heavy equipment assigned to this wildfire.
Weather: A mix of sun and could with a chance for isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures remain above seasonal. Instability builds beginning again Wednesday, but winds will be generally light with hot and dry conditions continuing to dominate.
Operations: At this stage, incident objectives and response remain relatively consistent. Crews are mopping up and patrolling the perimeter. Falling personnel are working along the Hourglass Road to improve access.
We ask that members of the public abide by signage and avoid travelling on the Bearhole Lake Road, Hourglass Road, Noel Road, M Road and J Road. Aircraft and ground operations may be immediately ceased when persons are found within the fire perimeter and the consequences associated with this interference can be substantial.
Heading Home Guide
Please click here to download the Tumbler Ridge Heading Home Guide.
Effective 10:00 am, June 15, 2023
The Evacuation Order, pursuant to Section 12 (1) of the BC Emergency Program Act issued June 8, 2023 for the District of Tumbler Ridge is hereby rescinded. An Evacuation Alert remains in place for the area identified in yellow on the included map. The Evacuation Alert will remain in effect indefinitely and residents are reminded to be ready to evacuate the area with little notice should the need be determined.
Travel routes for returning residents will be Highway 52N, Highway 29S, and Highway 52E via the Kelly Lake Road. Highway 52E will remain closed from Highway 52E to the One Island Lake Road. These travel routes are subject to change and evacuees are urged to check DriveBC.ca for the most up-to-date information. Returning Evacuees that require transportation back to Tumbler Ridge from Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, or Chetwynd are directed to contact the Fort St. John ESS Reception Centre at 250-794-3310. You need to call by NOON in order to book a place on the bus for today.
Wednesday 14 June 2023
Time: 11:45 AM - Fire & Resource Status Update
- The current size of the West Kiskatinaw fire is listed at 25,095 hectares (estimated).
- The amount of rain received yesterday is expected to reduce fire behaviour in the coming days. It will take 3 to 4 drying days before indices rebound. Strong winds from the north are bringing thick smoke from the Donnie Creek wildfire. This smoke will likely remain throughout the day. The insulation effect of the smoke will slightly reduce
fire behaviour, as well as the cooler temperatures and lingering moisture.
- Structure protection systems continue to be demobilized in Tumbler Ridge today, June 14.
- Operations: West Flank: Ground crews and heavy equipment continue to work on the west flank, along the Bearhole Lake road and the West Kiskatinaw FSR. A unit crew, along with heavy equipment, continues to work on containment in the area where the fire crossed Highway 52 East. Two unit crews are working along each side of Highway 52, doing direct attack and mop-up. Heavy equipment has been working to establish containment lines around the west flank but access to certain areas has been challenging due to ground saturation.
- Resources: 41 wildland firefighters and 45 structure protection personnel. There are currently 9 helicopters and 44 pieces of heavy equipment assigned to the South Peace Complex.
Wednesday 14 June 2023
Time: 8:15 AM - ESS Status Update
Opening hours for the Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS) Wednesday, June 14.
Fort St John: Opening 9 am to 4 pm - Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John.
The Dawson Creek Emergency Support Service Reception Centre has moved to the Kin Arena: Opening 4 pm - 7 pm. Kin Arena - 1101 106 Ave, Dawson Creek.
Chetwynd: Opening 9 am to 4 pm. District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd.
Please call the public line (250) 794-3310 for information from either centre.
Invitation from Council #2
The District of Tumbler Ridge Councillors will be available in all three of the evacuee towns to meet with residents Wednesday, June 14, 2023 between 2:00 and 4:00 pm at the following locations:
Dawson Creek (Cr. Klikach & Cr. Noksana)
Borek Aquatic Centre (located next door to Ovintiv Centre) #2- 300 Hwy 2 D.
Chetwynd (Cr. Hofman & Cr. Norbury)
Chetwynd & District Recreation Centre, 4552 North Access Rd
Fort St. John (Cr. Dusseault & Cr. Gulick)
Pomeroy Sports Centre 9324 96 St.
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Time: 11:30 AM - Safety Notice - Evacuation ORDER


Tumbler Ridge is still under an evacuation ORDER. Do NOT return home until you’ve been advised that the Evacuation Order has been downgraded or rescinded. Structure protection systems will begin to be demobilized in Tumbler Ridge today, June 13 - but the ORDER remains in place until further notice.
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - Safety Notice - Highway Closed
Highways 52 North and 52 East remain closed at this time. The evacuation order for Tumbler Ridge is still in place.
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Time: 7:15 AM - ESS Status Update
Opening hours for the Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS) Tuesday, June 13.
Fort St John: Opening 9 am to 4 pm - Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John.
Dawson Creek: Opening 9 am to 4 pm. OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2
Chetwynd: Opening 9 am to 4 pm. District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd.
Please call the public line (250) 794-3310 for information from either centre.
Monday 12 June 2023
Time: 6:15 PM - Status Update
- The current size of the fire is listed at 19,714 hectares (estimated) but there was growth observed today.
- The weather prediction is for cloudy and cooler weather tomorrow with showers.
- Pets: The SPCA Helpline is available to assist (1-855-622-7722). They were in Tumbler Ridge today and plan to come back tomorrow.
- Resources: 23 pieces of heavy equipment, 40 wildland firefighters and 71 structure protection personnel. There are currently 11 helicopters assigned to the South Peace Complex.
ESS Hours for Tuesday, June 13
Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 13), the Emergency Support Services Reception Centres will be open from 9 am until 4 pm:
Fort St. John - Pomeroy Sport Centre (9324 - 96 Street)
Dawson Creek - Ovintiv Events Centre (#1 - 300 Highway 2)
Chetwynd - District Town Hall (5400 Hospital Road)
Evacuees in the City of Fort St. John and the City of Dawson Creek, please check with the front desk at the hotel you're at in the morning (Tuesday, June 13). They will be provided with renewal referrals for most evacuees, so you don't need to check out of your hotel room.
If you require immediate assistance after hours, please call 250-794-3310
Monday 12 June 2023
From South Peace Community Resources Society:
Notice to our Tumbler Ridge clients and evacuees:
Our Tumbler Ridge staff are still available to provide supports during this challenging time, as are their
teammates here in Dawson Creek.
Contact Information:
Police Based Victim Services Tumbler Ridge: Laura 250-242-8510
Outreach Tumbler Ridge: Rose 250-242-1577
Main Office Dawson Creek: 250-782-9174, press 0 for Receptionist
Monday 12 June 2023
Time: 1:30 PM - Asking for a friend, are you okay?
Evacuations are stressful and challenging, physically, mentally and emotionally. It is important to ensure you are looking out for your health during these times. Here are some resources:
- Disaster Pyschosocial Services are available at Emergency Support Services Reception Centres during the hours the Reception Centres are open.
- Canadian Red Cross
- Canadian Mental Health Association
Don't forget to check on your friends, family and neighbours.
Monday 12 June 2023
Time: 12:30 PM - Renewing Your ESS Referral Services
What happens when your referral services expire?
If your property remains on ORDER, you must return to a Emergency Support Services (ESS) Reception Centre to renew your referrals for services (such as food and lodging):
• Fort St. John - Pomeroy Sport Centre (9324 - 96 Street)
Dawson Creek - Ovintiv Events Centre (#1 - 300 Hwy 2)
• Chetwynd - District Town Hall (5400 Hospital Road)
Evacuees from the South Peace Complex that registered in Fort St. John or Dawson Creek have referral services that expire on Tuesday, June 13.
Those who registered in Chetwynd have referral services that expire on Sunday, June 11 and Tuesday, June 13.
You must stay in the community that you registered in.
Do not come to an ESS Reception Centre until the expiry date on referral for services.
Monday 12 June 2023
Time: 8:45 AM - ESS Status Update
Opening hours for the Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS) Monday, June 12.
Fort St John: Opening 10 am to 2 pm - Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John.
Dawson Creek: Opening 10 am to 2 pm. OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2
Chetwynd: Opening 9 am to 4 pm. District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd.
Please call the public line (250) 794-3310 for information from either centre.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 3:30 PM - Evacuee Services
Evacuee Services:
If you registered in Fort St. John or Dawson Creek, your referral services are valid until Tuesday, June 13. You do not need to come to the Emergency Support Services Reception Centre until then.
If you registered in Chetwynd, your referral services may expire today, tomorrow or Tuesday. Please visit the Emergency Support Services Reception Centre at the District Town Hall (5400 Hospital Road) to renew your referral services.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - Office of the Mayor
Invitation from Council
The District of Tumbler Ridge Councillors will be available in all three of the evacuee towns to meet with residents today (Sunday, June 11, 2023) between 3:00 and 5:00 pm at the following locations:
Dawson Creek (Cr. Klikach & Cr. Noksana)
Broek Aquatic Centre (located next door to Ovintiv Centre) #2- 300 Hwy 2 D.
Chetwynd (Cr. Hofman & Cr. Norbury)
Chetwynd & District Recreation Centre, 4552 North Access Rd
Fort St. John (Cr. Dusseault & Cr. Gulick)
Pomeroy Sports Centre 9324 96 St.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 11:15 AM - ESS Status Update
Opening hours for the Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS) Sunday, June 11.
Fort St John: Opening 10 am to 2 pm - Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John.
Dawson Creek: Opening 10 am to 2 pm. OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2 (Limited capacity for RVs/trailers).
Chetwynd: Opening 10 am to 2 pm. (No hotels available at this time.) District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd.
Please call the public line (250) 794-3310 for information from either centre.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 9:15 AM - Status Update
- The current size of the fire is 19,714 Hectares (estimated).
- The weather prediction is for calm and clear conditions this morning which will help crews continue to work on establishing guards and containment lines to protect Tumbler Ridge.
temporary entry permit process is now in place. PRRD will be managing the process in conjunction with the District. Temporary entry permits are for essential personnel only.
- There has been no loss of power or connectivity (internet) to date.
- Pets: The SPCA Helpline is available to assist.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 8:15 AM - SPCA Helpline
If residents have care or retrieval requests for their pets they can call the SPCA Helpline at 1-855-622-7722 who will assist. Permitting has been approved for the SPCA to enter Tumbler Ridge.
Sunday 11 June 2023
Time: 7:00 AM - Office of the Mayor

Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 5:15 PM - Fire and Resource Update

There are four unit crews and initial attack crews assigned to the South Peace Complex

There are currently 8 helicopters assigned to this incident
The Structure Protection team (60 people) is continuing work on the upper bench (120 properties protected along with some District infrastructure)

Crews are continuing to use the favourable weather to do containment work such as building guards
"It's definitely the first day where there's maybe a sense of calmness, I would say I guess right now," said BC Wildfire Information Officer Forrest Tower in a phone interview. "But certainly I would not want to say the situation is over right now by any means. We're using the next 24 to 48 hours to do as much as we can to secure containment on that western flank in the hopes that we can get enough done if we do see some uptick in fire behaviour." - Alaska Highway News (
bit.ly/3N0b3a2 )
Saturday 10 June 2023
There is a temporary entry permit process in place for the West Kiskatinaw River and Peavine
Creek Wildfire Evacuation Order areas. The PRRD is coordinating the temporary entry permit process for its region and in partnership with the District of Tumbler Ridge for its municipality.
Temporary entry permits are for essential personnel only – people who have a legitimate need to temporarily enter evacuated areas, such as to take care of livestock or maintain critical infrastructure or other essential services. These permits are required if requesting access into or via roads that run through an Evacuation Order area.
The PRRD Emergency Operations Centre, District of Tumbler Ridge and BC Wildfire will screen the applications and will assess safety risks. Permits will be authorized on a case-by-case basis. The goal is to review applications for next-day access, and access is based on a safety assessment. Applications must be submitted prior to 4:30 p.m. to be considered for the next day.
Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 1:15 PM - Safety Notice

Safety First

The decision to restrict access to the town is a precautionary measure taken to ensure the well-being and protection of all residents, emergency personnel, and essential service providers. Wildfire poses significant risks, including rapidly changing conditions, potential hazards, and unpredictable behaviour.

Emergency Response
Our dedicated emergency response teams are working diligently to contain and control the wildfire. By restricting access, we can
better allocate resources to combat the blaze effectively and ensure the safety of those already in the area.

Unpredictable Nature of Wildfires

Wildfires can be highly unpredictable, and even areas that appear safe might still pose potential threats due to lingering smoke, unstable structures, damaged infrastructure, or limited access to essential services. Returning prematurely to an area affected by a wildfire can jeopardize your safety and impede recovery efforts.
Saturday 10 June 2023
Area restriction in effect for the vicinity of South Peace Complex
The BC Wildfire Service is implementing an Area Restriction Order for the vicinity of the South Peace Complex, located 21 kilometres east of Tumbler Ridge and 44 kilometres southwest of Dawson Creek. This complex is managing the Peavine Creek (G70644) and West Kiskatinaw (G70645) wildfires. The size of the area restriction reflects the continued need to protect the public in areas where there are ongoing fire suppression activities and hazardous fire behaviour conditions.
This order takes effect at 12 p.m. (PDT) on June 10, 2023, and will remain in force until September 30, 2023, or until it is otherwise rescinded. The order applies to crown land within the geographic boundary outlined below and shown on the provided map.
Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - Pharmacy Information
Pharmacists from the Tumbler Ridge Wellness Centre are now working out of the Fort St. John Pharmacy & Wellness Centre.
If you're a Tumbler Ridge evacuee, your file will be available for you to access your prescriptions there.
The FSJ Pharmacy & Wellness Centre is located at #300 – 9730 101 Avenue in Fort St. John. (250) 785-3234
can still access your prescriptions through other pharmacies as well.
Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 10:30 AM - ESS Status Update
Opening hours for the Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS) Saturday, June 10
Fort St John: Opening 10 am to 2 pm - Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John. (Best option, accepting people and have rooms available.)
Dawson Creek: Opening 10 am to 2 pm. OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2 (Limited capacity)
Chetwynd: Opening 10 am to 2 pm. (Limited capacity.) District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd
Please call the public line (250) 794-3310 for information from either centre.
Saturday 10 June 2023
Time: 8:30 AM - Overview
The current size of the fire is 23,000 hectares. The wind has calmed down and with the slight precipitation a higher humidity is left in the air. Given the clearer conditions, the six helicopters assigned to the South Peace Complex will be more active today, building on the work they started yesterday. Establishing guards and containment lines to protect Tumbler Ridge. Fire status
W KISKATINAW RIVER Prince George Fire Centre Fire Number: G70645 Discovered On: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 12:40:33 PM Last Updated: Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:18:33 PM Active Evacuation Orders and Alerts West Kiskatinaw River Wildfire (Issued By: District of Tumbler Ridge) on Thursday at 2 pm Residents and Evacuation
- Evacuation has been smooth with evacuees leaving as requested. Data indicate approximately 5% of the population did not follow the evacuation order.
- RCMP continues to patrol the residential areas. Police checkpoints and signs have been installed at the main entry points into town.
- Reception Centres – By late Thursday three Emergency Support Service (ESS) were open to receive evacuees with Dawson Creek and Chetwynd experiencing huge demand and reaching capacity early. Fort St John is the priority Centre.
- Fort St John: Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John (250) 794-3310
- Dawson Creek: OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2
- Chetwynd: District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd
- 60+ Firefighters from multiple towns in Tumbler Ridge
- 3 Structure Protection Specialists are here, with 2 more arriving today (Saturday)
- 2 more Structure Protection units plus a Type 1 Structure Protection Unit have arrived. All of the Type 1 structure protection units are initially located and stocked out of the Provincial Equipment Depot in Chilliwack. When the wildfire season starts, the BC Wildfire Service strategically positions these units throughout the province in areas most threatened by wildfires
- The Structure Protection team is continuing work on the upper bench (54+ properties protected)
Communication and Liaison.
BC Wildfire Service
PRE OC (Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centres)
BC Forestry EMCR (Emergency Management and Climate Readiness)
ESS Centres
Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 8:30 PM - Fire Update
Despite hot, dry conditions and easterly winds, no significant growth has been observed on the West Kiskatinaw (G70645) or Peavine Creek (G70644) wildfires today, according to
BC Wildfire Service. Instead, these fires have been exhibiting Rank 3-5 behaviour as opposed to the continuous Rank 5 and 6 that has been observed in previous days, according to BC Wildfire Service.
Since ignition, both wildfires have grown in all directions despite prevailing wind directions. This
exemplifies the fuel types’ volatility and the impact of ongoing drought conditions.
The BC Wildfire Service uses a ranking scale from 1 to 6 to describe fire behaviour. For descriptions of these fire ranks as well as examples of firefighting tactics that may be used to address that type of fire behaviour, please visit the website.
Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 5:30 PM - Fire and Resource Update

There is a new unit crew arriving tonight (12 members)

60+ Firefighters from multiple departments are in Tumbler Ridge
The Type 1 Structure Protection Unit has arrived

The Structure Protection team is continuing work on the upper bench (54+ properties protected)

There are 3 Structure Protection Specialists here, with 2 more arriving tomorrow

The winds are predicted to change to north/west tomorrow and there is a chance of some precipitation
All of the Type 1 structure protection units (pictured) are initially located and stocked out of the Provincial Equipment Depot in Chilliwack. When the wildfire season starts, the BC Wildfire Service strategically positions these units throughout the province in areas most threatened by wildfires.
Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 1:30 PM - Fire and Resource Update

3 Structure Protection Specialists arrived this morning to continue prepping houses on the upper bench

The size of the fire footprint is 23,000 hectares approximately
The fire did breach the Hwy briefly near Happy Face Hill but did not go far

6 helicopters are attached to the South Peace Complex, with varying flying conditions

31 pieces of heavy equipment have arrived to assist in building guards
Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 12:30 PM - Pharmacy Information
B.C. pharmacists can refill regular medications and issue 30-day emergency supplies. If you need medication or a refill for your prescriptions please present to your closest pharmacy with a BC ID or Healthcare card, stating you are an evacuee and you will be assisted with an emergency refill.
Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 8.00 AM - Media Release
Just after 2 pm on Thursday, June 8, an evacuation order was issued for the residents of Tumbler Ridge, a community of about 2,400 people in northeastern B.C. near the Alberta border. The order was issued because of the West Kiskatinaw River Fire, which was burning out of control at 9,600 hectares as of Thursday afternoon, 10 km east of Tumbler Ridge. Residents were asked to leave and evacuate to Dawson Creek via Chetwynd on Highway 29 or Highway 52 East. The approaching fire developed and crossed the highway impacting Highway 52 North and then East. Residents were directed to evacuate via Highway 29 through to Chetwynd. Initially, two Reception Centers were mobilized in Chetwynd and Dawson Creek, with a further third centre opening up in Fort St John to help with demand.
The RCMP, BCEHS, South Peace Search and Rescue and North Peace Search and Rescue teams mobilized and lead the door-to-door knocks with a dedicated team concentrating on the most vulnerable who needed assistance. Evacuation by residents was executed swiftly and orderly with one bus load of residents transported to Fort St John ESS. The vast majority of residents had evacuated by 10 pm leaving a core group of emergency workers, volunteers, EOC staff members, Mayor and Councillors on standby. There is a small group of individuals who refuse to leave their homes.
25 firefighters were mobilized yesterday including two (2) structural protection specialist units being deployed from nearby areas who initiated fire smarting and triaging homes. More units will be arriving today (Friday, June 9, 2023). Emergency workers are being accommodated and housed in the local community centre and supported with food, facilities and amenities.
BCEHS personnel have evacuated with the last residents and will not be available unless a dire emergency occurs with emergency workers.
RCMP resources remain in Tumbler Ridge and are conducting patrols for the safety and security of homes in the area. Fire Rescue services are also conducting patrols throughout the community in an effort to extinguish any spot fires started by embers falling into town.
At just after 19h00 Thursday, June 8, the wind shifted to a more NW direction which was expected to push the fire parallel to the ridge.
At this time the fire is approximately 3 kilometres from the Tumbler Ridge Townsite and it is anticipated with a change in wind direction and cooler temperatures ground crews will be able to do more groundwork to protect homes and property.
Meteorologists predict a shift in wind direction to a NW direction for Saturday with a chance the region may see some light rain in the next 24 hrs.
The District remains in close communication with the BC Wildfire Service and will provide information to the public as it becomes available.
Thursday 8 June 2023
Time: 9.00 PM - ESS Status Update
The ESS in Fort St John at The Pomeroy Sport Centre is open and welcoming everyone. They have capacity so please head there as Dawson Creek is now full.
Fort St John
Sport Centre on 9324 96, St John.
(250) 794-3310
Thursday 8 June 2023
Time: 5:50 PM - ESS Status Update
Fort St John ESS is also open at the Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John. (250) 794-3310
- Dawson Creek: OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2 FULL (as 9.00 PM)
- Chetwynd: District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd - FULL (as 9.00 PM)
- Fort St John: Pomeroy Sport Centre on 9324 96 St John (250) 794-3310
Please note these telephone lines will be extremely congested. If you can check in physically that would be recommended.
Thursday 8 June 2023
Time: 4:34 PM - Status Update
- More resources are being deployed to the area
- Wildfire sprinkler specialists will be on the scene shortly for key residential areas
- There are two Reception Centres for Emergency Support Services (ESS)
- Dawson Creek: OVINTIV Centre #1-300 Highway 2
- Chetwynd: District Town Hall Hospital Rd, Chetwynd
Thursday 8 June 2023
Time: 3:15 PM - Evacuation Information
Evacuate via Highway 29 only through Chetwynd.
Highway 52 East to the boundary has been closed in both directions due to the wildfire's proximity. Pevine Creek has jumped H52 now.
Anyone in the evacuation order area, must leave immediately and report to the reception centre in Dawson Creek at the Ovintiv Events Centre.
Thursday 8 June 2023
Time: 2:07 PM - Evacuation Information
BC Emergency Alert issued by the District of Tumbler Ridge and Peace River Regional District due to wildfire.
Evacuate immediately if you are in the District of Tumbler Ridge and east including Bearhole Lake.
The West Kiskatinaw River wildfire poses a threat to human life.
Anyone in the evacuation order area, must leave immediately and report to the reception centre in Dawson Creek at the Ovintiv Events Centre.
Evacuate via Highway 29 or Highway 52 east/boundary to Dawson Creek.
If you are unable to evacuate call 9-1-1.